torsdag 16. februar 2012

ICT and Education

Project Gutenberg EBook
Tradisjonelle mål på elvenes læring har ofte fokusert på innhold, hukommelse og husker, mens mange av fordelene av bruk av teknologi knuttet på individuelle prestasjoner og ytelse er i områder som ikke har vært tradisjonelt vurdert. Det er blant annet kreativitet og problem løsende ferdigheter, samarbeidslæring, teamarbeid strategier, økt kommunikasjon, dyp forståelse, høyere ordens kognitive ferdigheter av refleksjon og kritisk tenkning.
Krav laget for virkningen av datamaskiner på undervisning og læring er vanskelig å vurdere og forbli problematisk som det er vanskelig å skille datamaskin effekter fra andre klasserom variabler. Derfor er det alt for vanskelig å bekrefte at elever som bruker PC sjelden, generelt gjør det dårligere på skolen enn de som bruker datamaskinen flere ganger ukentlig. Det er åpenbart at elevene lærer seg å bruke PC, men skolen bør være forsiktighet med hensyn til, hvilke fag skal datamaskinen benyttes.

Here below we look at some of the neativeside ICT use:

The technology allows the students can probably not a number of activities that are important in certain skills such as oral and handwriting skills. On the PC we can not do as well to concentrate on what we read, because part of the brain is still interested in other ideas / tasks as scrolling, looking back and forth, be disturbed by various elements of the ads pops up, etc. This gives the reader a more stressful experience than if he / she reads the text on paper.
Computers can give students a superficial understanding. Students go into deep detail and then lose overview.

The use of ICT can be difficult for weaker students. They may have difficulty working independently. Such students need more structure and support that is not always available. Moreover, the technology for some students increase the risk of loneliness and isolation in front of the computer screen.

Another concern is whether the copying from the internet and / or from other students. Computer and Internet use can reduce the ability to think for themselves. There are an increasing number of students who try to just find the desired information on the Web and copy directly without thinking! Increased tendency to overlook other resources than IT-based. Large resources and sources on the Web makes difficult to rely on information found on the Internet.
Students can become easily distracted and can visit unwanted websites.

The technology also has some negative consequences for teachers. Some teachers (especially those not directly involved in the intensive use of ICT) do not see the benefits of using ICT.
Another problem is the teachers' computer knowledge level. The development of digital tools is very faster than teachers' development. Keeping up to date, it is time consuming and some of the teachers can not adapt to new tools.
Moreover, they must know well the laws and regulations, as well as main features of the development and introduction of IT systems in business and society.
They must use more energy and time to prevent the misuse of computers and the internet. Without direct supervision, it is difficult to find out what students are surfing the Internet and behind the computer screen.

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